Lagin-pantailarako erretiluetarako kit estalkia
Item ZK. | X887117 |
Deskribapena | Laginaren pantailarako erretiluen kit estalkia |
Edukiera |
8.5ltr |
Materiala | Ordenagailua |
Kartoi tamaina | / |
*Laginaren pantailarako erretiluen kit estalkia uses mostly in our daily life, especially the food presentation in catering industry. It keeps food cool and fresh in a hygienic way. Food container with food grade is meet most people need in their exquisite life.
*The food container with resistant Ordenagailua roll top cover. It’s 8.5ltr for wide range food display, like the break, fruit and vegetables.
*SUNNEX Laginaren pantailarako erretiluen kit estalkia is graceful and durable use and with Washable and fit for Microwave and dishwasher.
·Polikarbonatozko estalki gardenak janaria argi ikusi ahal izateko ireki gabe.
·Break-resistant Ordenagailua roll top cover
·Janari ontzi sorta zabala
·Higienikoa eta erabiltzeko erosoa
Bermea:SunnexLaginaren pantailarako erretiluen kit estalkia urtebeteko bermea du.
Erabilera:SunnexLaginaren pantailarako erretiluen kit estalkia is used in catering, restaurant, hotel, buffet, party and wedding, etc. is used at home, restaurant, hotel, office and etc.
Ziurtagiria:IS09001 eta BSCI
Ontziak:SUNNEX pakete estandarra edo pertsonalizatutako paketea. SUNNEXek hainbat ontziratze metodo eskaintzen dizkizu zuk aukeratzeko.
Garraiobidea:itsasoz, airez, espres eta trenez.
Ordainketa:% 30 T / T aldez aurretik,% 70 saldo bidali aurretik
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To withstand the intense competition in the market, we enhance our competitiveness by exploring new markets and developing new products. We always bear in mind the need of our customers and the expectation of end users to optimize our product design and service. In addition, we emphasize on thorough market research and comprehensive coverage of our supply chain to provide practical and efficient solutions to our customers. By implementing these strategies, Sunnexhas achieved mutual benefits with our customers.
Datozen 10 urteetan Txinan ostalaritzako ekipamenduen industrian hainbat aldaketa aurreikusten ditugu. Sunnexek, 40 urte baino gehiago daramatzan marka profesional gisa, garaiaren erritmoa mantendu behar du bikaintasunaren bila.