Bain Marie elektrikoa

Multifunctionality: The Sunnex Electric Bain Marie is designed with multiple compartments, each capable of keeping different dishes warm. It's ideal for buffet-style service, ensuring a variety of dishes are maintained at optimal serving temperatures.

Temperature Control: Each compartment of the Sunnex Electric Bain Marie can be adjusted for temperature independently, allowing for the maintenance of different foods at their best serving temperatures.

Commercial Buffet Food Warming: Designed to enhance the efficiency and convenience of food service operations, the Sunnex Electric Bain Marie is a must-have for maintaining food at perfect temperatures in restaurants, catering businesses, and self-service canteens.

Customization Services: Sunnex offers a range of customizable Electric Bain Marie options. As a manufacturer and supplier of Electric Bain Marie in China, Sunnex boasts certifications such as CE, LFGB, FDA, UL, BSCI/ISO, and NSF. The company is known for its competitive pricing and reasonable quotes, with a one-year warranty on their products.

Factory Strength: Established in 2003 and located in Taishan Fengshan Industrial Park, Sunnex Products (Guangdong) Limited covers an area of 118,000 square meters with a total of 350 employees. The factory specializes in the design, development, and production of products for home and catering industries, with current product lines including buffet ware, electrical appliances, ceramics, tea sets, knives, and tableware. Production capacity can be further expanded to meet customer demands. With ISO9001:2015, CCC, NSF, CE, UL, and BSCI certifications, Sunnex is one of the leading manufacturers in the catering industry, strictly implementing quality control and keeping up with market trends to develop innovative products at competitive prices.

Innovation and Quality: Sunnex upholds a tradition of honesty, innovative product design, supreme quality, and service. The company is committed to exploring new markets and developing new products to meet market competition. Sunnex emphasizes thorough market research and comprehensive supply chain coverage to provide customers with practical and efficient solutions.

Product Range: Sunnex also offers Dry Heat Electric Chafers, a new high-tech product that does not require water (dry heat only), featuring advanced hydraulic hinges and a smooth deceleration mechanism. It only consumes 300W of power but has a stronger heating performance than traditional Electric Bain Marie, complete with a water condensation capture system.

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Merkataritza buffet janaria Borroi Bain Marie

Merkataritza buffet janaria Borroi Bain Marie

SUNNEX Merkataritza Buffet Food Bain Marie Bufler, zure elikagaien zerbitzuko operazioak inoiz baino eraginkorragoak eta erosoagoak izan daitezen diseinatua. Jatetxea, ostalaritza negozioa edo kafetegia exekutatzen ari zaren ala ez, ekipamendu polifazetiko hau ezinbestekoa da janaria tenperatura ezin hobean mantentzeko.

Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsulta
Txinan egindako Bain Marie elektrikoa handizkako merkataritza, SUNNEX-etik pertsonaliza daitekeena. Txinako Bain Marie elektrikoa fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaileetako bat da. BSCI fabrikatzaileen artean, CE, LFGB, FDA, UL, BSCI / ISO eta NSF ziurtagiriak ditugu. Txinako marketako bat bihurtu gara jada. Hainbat estilo dituelako, hala nola, klasikoa, dotorea, moda, aurreratua, iraunkorra eta beste estilo berriena. Ez zaude kezkatuta gure prezioarekin, gure aurrekontua eman diezagukezu; balio handiko Bain Marie elektrikoa deskontuak eros ditzakezula aurkituko duzu arrazoizko prezio lehiakorrarekin. Deskontua Bain Marie elektrikoa da azken salmenta, eta gure fabrikako hornidura stockean dagoelako. Txinan egindako doako laginak eman ditzakegu. Gure produktuek kalitatea bermatzen dute eta urtebeteko bermea dute. Zurekin lan egiteko irrikitan.
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